I'm a man who can't hear,
A man who can't see,
But this doesn't matter,
'cause I feel the blues...
- Russ Palmer

Meet Russ

Russ is an International Music Therapist and Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner. Born severely deaf, he has Usher Syndrome, is registered deafblind and uses two cochlear implants (CIs). Russ' philosophy is called 'Feeling the Music'; through musical expression and therapy he applies a concept of how people who are losing their hearing and sight can feel musical vibrations.

Meet Riitta

Born and raised in Finland, Riitta is the senior researcher and leader of the Social-Haptic Communication research group, at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She has developed, researched and taught social-haptic communication, haptices (touch messages), and their grammar, haptemes, for almost 30 years.

Email Riitta:
Email Russ:
Russ and Riitta are based in the UK and Finland.